The Trainee Inspector of Taxes is the first level in a series of the Inspector of Taxes Programmes administered by the Guyana Revenue Authority.
The aim of the Trainee Inspector of Taxes Programme is to investigate and clarify the mandate of the various Internal Tax Laws administered by the Guyana Revenue Authority and to provide the skills necessary for participants to effectively perform their duties within the Internal Revenue function.
- Apply the various tax laws administered by the GRA.
- Correctly calculate and administer the various taxes according to the provisions of the relative law.
- Recognise, use and advise on financial and any other documents necessary for tax administration.
- Understand your role and exhibit professionalism in the execution of your duties.
- This programme is Self-paced and spans 20 weeks.
- Participants are expected to spend a minimum of 6 hours per week completing this course within the 20 weeks.
- While course content (text, audio, etc.) is mainly on this platform, individual topic facilitators/teachers are available to clarify content and address queries.
- Please use the "Ask Questions" forum to post queries by Friday of every week and they will be addressed by facilitators.
- There is continuous assessment throughout the programme, which accounts for 40% of your programme grade.
- At the end of the 20 weeks, there will be a final examination which will account for 60% of your overall programme grade.
- You must achieve 75% in all assessments to be considered successful.
- Take responsibility for your own learning and support others in the group.
- Ask questions of us and yourself that will help you learn.
- Come along with an open mind and a willingness to learn and actively participate in the programme.
- Maintain confidentiality according to the oath you have taken at the commencement of your employment and also where this is expressly stated.
- Maintain Mutual respect, facilitators and participants alike, during all forms of communication.
- Teacher: Waheeda Ali
- Teacher: Wayne Austin
- Teacher: Nicklin Belgrave
- Teacher: Naresha Bobb-Semple
- Teacher: Shondell Grant
- Teacher: Marcia Harris
- Teacher: Nandi Husbands
- Teacher: Wesley Innis
- Teacher: Joy Persaud
- Teacher: Luana Prince
- Teacher: Georgeana Pryce-Roberts
- Teacher: Javed Rasheed
- Teacher: Mellissa Romeo
- Teacher: Daros Semple
- Teacher: Lydia Sharma
- Teacher: Ron Simboo
- Teacher: Lavina Walrond
- Teacher: Jacqueline Williams
- Teacher: Lancelot Wills